Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What's Wrong With These Headlines?

Is it me or are the headlines of the day becoming more and more insane? I'm going to list some of the headlines I've seen over the last 48hrs from some of the leading news gathering organizations in the USA. Then I'm going to write a little tid-bit as to why I think they're CRAZY. But of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinions... maybe I'M the nutty one.

"Miss California loses Miss Usa Pageant due to Politically Incorrect Answer"... Poor Carrie Prejean... she was asked a question about how SHE felt about same sex marriages and did the one thing she should NEVER do in the PC world... she told the truth! In her mind, in her heart, in the religion she follows, she believes in the traditional meaning of marriage. That marriage should only be between a man and a woman. She NEVER said a disparaging word about being gay. She never said gay people didn't have the right to live together and even share the financial, tax, and insurance benefits of a traditional marriage. She simply doesn't believe people of the same sex should be legally married. And yet she's paid a horrible price for her heartfelt feelings. One judge in particular has been blasting her in the press and in his highly visible blog. It's naive to think he didn't have influence over other judges when it came time to vote. Of course the ironic thing about all this Carrie's opinion is SHARED by the electorate of the state she represents! In November 2008 California residents voted for "Proposition 8" which changed the states constitution to restrict the definition of marriage to opposite sex couples and eliminated same sex couples' right to marry. It's an opinion that is shared country wide. But in the Hollywood world of pageants, it's just not the politically correct answer. They'd rather have her tow the line and lie. THAT would have made her represent the values of America. THAT would have put her over the top and awarded her the crown... LYING.

"David Kellerman, chief financial officer of troubled lender Freddie Mac, found dead in Va. home of apparent suicide"...

A tragedy to be sure. But what financial misdeeds did he take to his grave with him. How bad ARE things out there?

"Obama Administration to consider the prosecution of Bush aids for authorizing torture techniques"...

REALLY!?!?!?!? I guess President Obama never heard the one about living in a glass house. It'll NEVER happen. Because if it does he and his cronies will not exactly have restful retirements themselves.

"President Obama signals no meeting with Israeli PM Netanyahu"...

He's cool with Ortega. He shakes hands with Chavez. He even BOWS down to the Saudi King! But President Obama will snub Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. There will be an AIPAC summit in Washington in May. PM Netanyahu was planing on attending and requested a meeting with our president. The Presidents staff issued a vague statement that basically amounted to our leader being too busy to meet with the leader of Israel. A DEMOCRACY. An ALLY in a troubled land. A country in a crisis. NO, the leader of the FREE world is too busy being cool, shaking hands, and bowing.

"Holocaust Remembrance Day, Tuesday April 21st"...

I've been asking my boys everyday this week if they've learned ANYTHING about the Holocaust in school. Nope... not even a mention.

"Ahmadinejad gives speech at the United Nations conference on racism in Geneva. "...

I think this one says it all.

... And That's The View From Here


  1. can't teach them about the Holocaust, too busy teaching and teaching and teaching, the importance of recycling.

  2. Miss California's answer was all over the place. I thought she lost because she was bnot very coherent. But I thought the question was unfortunate.
    And I'm not understanding your point about torture; in any case, prosecution is not only likely but desirable. If we want other people to hold to some higher standard, we ought to apply it to ourselves.
    You're right about Ahmadinejad, but I frankly don't think he reflects the mainstream Iranian thought; I expect he'll be gone or neutralized in a year or two.
